Monday, May 3, 2010

A.S. Roma fantasy kits

Full name: Associazione Sportiva Roma SpA
City: Roma
League: Serie A
Stadium: Stadio Olimpico Rome
Fouded: 1927
Shirt sponsor: WIND
Kit manufacturer: Kappa

This is a requested design for A.S. Roma, team that almost won the Serie A this year. The home kit is dark red shirt with orange trims and neck, white short and black socks. The Kappa logos on the shoulders and sides of the short are orange.
A version used in the past as the first choice kit is all dark red with orange trims. This version is suitable for the derby games vs S.S. Lazio or Juventus.
The away kit is white shirt and socks, dark red short. The trims and logos are orange like on the home kit. This version can be used vs A.C. Milan or Bologna.
An all white version of the away kit as it can be used vs Inter, Atalanta or Cagliari.
The third kir is predominant black with dark gray front of the shirt. Usualy is used as European kit.


  1. man this is amazing unbelievable so so so great i whish if the stupid kappa see this and made like it , fantastic desgins from the dream world , nice work bro ,, :)

  2. i wish if could you make a kit for number 1 team in my contry (palestine) ,,
    name: Jabal Almukaber

    assist in : 1976

    team logo:

    first kit :

    secound kit :
    i hope that you will make a kit for us , and thaaaaanks ,,

  3. Salut.
    Te-am urmarit si pe si acum si pe blog. Ca si tine am o pasiune aparte pentru tricourile de fotbal (si nu numai) si de mic am mai desenat diverse "viziuni" personale. Diferenta e ca inca nu am trecut la folosirea fotosopului pentru asta:).
    In general imi plac creatile tale si te felicit sincer pentru ele. Am totusi niste intrebari.
    De ce te limitezi la companiile deja existente?Daca tot faci niste "fantasy kits" de ce sa fii "incatusat de conceptiile lor de design? ( de ex cele 3 dungi de la adidas, sau sabloanele kappa- tricouri "mulate si logo-uri pe umar si pulpe etc. ) Tare mi-ar place sa vad o firma sau companie (fanatasy bineinteles) 100% Zoran,fara template-uri deja consacrate si care sa-ti permita sa-ti dai frau liber imaginatiei.
    Te rog sa nu iei remarca mea ca o critica, pentru ca nu este deloc cazul.
    Te salut si iti urez mult succes.
    Razvan , Bucuresti.

  4. Thanks Mahmoud, I will try to make your teams kit.

  5. Salut Razvan, scrie-mi la sa povestim.

  6. No news Mahmoud, I have only few informations about the club you have requested. And also there are many requests that wait for me.

  7. i dont wont you to make a new design fpr us just make like the photo^ , all what i want is a photo like all yours (t-shirt,???:D,socks)thats all !!!

  8. for the name you could make it : ALLAN #6
    and sooory am so annoying :(

  9. can you please make me the (Roma 4th football shirt 05-06) and here is the link for the t-Shirt
