Now that the World Cup is over, I will get back to my usual work. I will present some of my work, done for several competiotion organised within "Mockups de Camisas de Futebol" comunity. For the latest competition will present the remake of the Brasil kits made for the World Cup project. The changes are few, there are no patches on the sleeves and the away shirt and socks have yellow features instead of white. Also a goalkepeer kit was added as it is requested in the competition.

nice :) i hope you´ll "win" or something like that in that competition, your work is excellent ^___^ i like the new colors of the away kit and also the goalkeeper kit is great :)
ReplyDeletegood luck
Salut Zoran. Abia asteptam sa se termine CM sa te apuci iar de desenat.
ReplyDeleteRealmente superb echipamentul portarului.
Echipamentul de rezerva e in tendintele Nike ( accesorii galbene). Desi e f reusit eu, ca un traditionalist ce sunt, prefer micile detalii albe asa cum cere traditia Selecao.
Te salut si iti doresc mult succes la concurs.
The keeper kit rocks :P, i like to see it in grey
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Costa Rica
Thanks Zeruch, soon will be back with some new work. Until then will post some reviews, kits made for some competitions.
ReplyDeleteRazvan: aveam nevoie de o pauza, in sensul ca eram epuizat in ce priveste creatia. Inca nu am revenit, vara asta e prea fierbinte. Poate dupa concediu sa intru in forta. Tricoul pt Dinamo ce ti l-am promis e creionat. Mai astept primele meciuri din campionate sa vad si sponzorii de pe tricou.
Thanks Carlos, will try a grey version for you. Zoran...abia astept sa-l vad.
ReplyDeleteTe salut !
Brilliant as always Zoran. Can't wait to see what you have in mind next.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me for my intrusion, but I am new to the world of mockups and see the template used by you was very impressed. Is there any possibility that you share it with me and other lovers of mockups? If yes, please post the download link here to your blog. I'm grateful now.
Tácio Caldas